Eddies Grandma and Grandad Kirkpatrick. Grand dad
used to be the Butler at Sewerby Hall, Near Bridlington. Grand
ma was also the maid.
Photo of Eddies Great Grandma and Grand Dad Holmes (mam and
dad of Grandma Kirkpatrick) Lived down Woodhouse St on a
smallholding. This Photo was taken approx 1860
Grand ma and Grandad Stephenson. Grand dad was a
Docker, and they lived down Lee Smith St, Hedon Rd Hull.
Sarah Ann Louise on the far right age approx 7 along
with her brothers and sisters and mother. Grandma Stephenson was
a cockney (from London before she got married) Sarah was also a true
cockney she was born within the sound of the bow church bells on the
6th March 1910 London
Grandma Stephenson aged approx 89 years, sat with her great
Grandma Stephenson
Grandad and Grandma Kirkpatrick with there sons and
Daughters at their Anniversary party,
Rons wedding. Ron is the brother of Sarah
Charles and Sarah Ann
Louise Kirkpatrick
Charles Kirkpatrick, born Dec 1900, father of Edward
Charlie join the army when he was 18, because in those
days there was no work.
Charlie now in Palastine, during the troubles with the Jewish
Sarah Ann Louise Stephenson (later to be Kirkpatrick)
Born 1907
Sarah aged approx 18 (1925)
Charles and Sarah getting married 1932
(Eddies Mam)with Doug, brother of Eddie.
Charlie in the cricket team abroad (India)second top left
Charlie with a bunch of mates
Charlie now a corporal
Charlie reading his letters from home
Charlie (second from right)in India with the Regiment
Charlie Kirkpatrick on board a Aircraft carrier going to the
Middle East
Sarah in her swim costume 1930
with her first son Douglas Approx date 1935
Charlie stood at the back with pals in 1948
Charlie and Sarah Kirkpatrick talking to Peter
Kirkpatrick (brother of Eddie)
Sarah out shopping
Sarah in the local East Park
Sarah Kirkpatrick sat in the local park feeding the ducks
and Gill in the park
Eddie and his mother Sarah sat on the river Humber bankside