Eddie Kirkpatricks Diving and Family Pages
Searching for Wrecks


Diving in the Sixtys
Working for a Salvage Co 1970
From Dorinda to working on Ant
Humber Divers LTD Formation
Ben Macduhi Wreck
Now on the Ashby Fame sold
Tropic Shore Dispersal Contract
Commercial work on Ashby
Ashby Sold and Cornelius Purchased
Cornelius Sold and Pescoso Purchased
Another Boat Purchase Inge
Purchasing 7 Seas Club
British Gas work with Inge
The Recovery Heavy Lift Vessel
The Recovery on Salvage Work
The Recovery on Hindostan
The Laurentic
Now left Humber Divers
Searching for Wrecks
Family History Photos
Edward Kirkpatrick born 27 November 1938
Now married 7th May 1960
Eddie Married Continued
Now divorced June 1986
Building Burton house at Hornsea
Gillian Rose Smith and Eddie Kirkpatrick
Gill and Eddie
Gill and Eddie now married 20th December 1995
Gill and Eddie now married
Debbies and Martins Wedding
Eddie and Gill Year 2000
Kirkpatrick History

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Mike Oxlade and myself have teamed up to locate a wreck that sank off the East Coast in 1883, carrying a general cargo from Germany to Grimsby.
In the cargo was Dresdon China plates etc plus toys (1883)
We did the research and found out that British Rail owned the wreck and the cargo (they were not aware that they owned the wreck)we purchased the rights to the wreck and the cargo.
It is now our job to locate the present position of the sinking.


We teamed up with a business man who owned a 36ft boat laid up in Bridlington harbour.
He supplied the boat and the airlift equipment to suck the sand and and silt out of the wreck we thought was the wreck we were searching for, but later found that it was not the wreck (1903 shell found)


After a day out looking for the wreck


We thought we had located the wreck 9 miles east of Bridlington harbour.
The position was about the same as the last reported sinking of the ship plus the measurements of the length and breadth were the same.
But unfortunately we found a shell that was dated 1903 (our ship sunk in 1883)


We were asked to search a local pond for the remains of guns etc
Mike Oxlades son Neil, and Karl Stephenson undertook the diving.
Nothing was found.


Coming in after a dive.


Mike Oxlade, Karl Stephenson purchased this RIB to search for our wreck.


Ready to dive on a wreck.

At the present time of creating this web page November 2000, we intend to carry on searching for our wreck (waiting for summer 2001)